

Sell more. Sell better.
Sell faster with Bitrix24 a single platform to cover all your needs
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See why customers love Bitrix24
CRM that's packed with sales, marketing, and analytics tools

Bitrix24 CRM has everything you need to acquire leads, turn them into deals, receive payments, manage inventory, e-sign documents, run marketing campaigns, increase customer engagement, grow customer retention, track sales metrics, and more.

Serious automation capabilities
Set up automated client notifications via SMS or email, use our customizable triggers to automatically move leads/deals down the sales pipeline, configure automated notifications to your sales reps based on the lead/deal status.
Free AI-powered sales assistant CoPilot
Use our free AI-powered assistant CoPilot to create compelling marketing texts, generate new ideas, and transcribe phone calls in your CRM, autocompleting the fields in the respective lead or deal. The AI scoring tool will help you with sales forecasting.
Omnichannel communication
No matter how a client contacts you (web form, email, live chat, social media, messenger, telephony), their message will be processed in the Contact Center and automatically turned into a lead in your CRM. From there, you can either continue the conversation or create a deal.
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Set tasks, manage deadlines, collect reports, track KPIs, and run projects from wherever you are

Your tasks. Your way
Bitrix24 features all the popular task management tools as a part of a single platform – pick the ones you’re most comfortable with and start getting work done together with your team.
Ideal fit for any team
No matter what project management methodology you adhere to, Bitrix24 has got your needs covered. You can choose between Kanban board, Gantt chart, Scrum, calendar, or a simple list of tasks — whichever works best for your team.
AI-powered project management
Our AI assistant CoPilot is indispensable when it comes to planning a project or creating a new task. Based on your prompt, CoPilot can easily come up with a brief and understandable task description or even turn it into a checklist.
Task automation
Bitrix24 allows you to automate a wide range of standard, routine operations like creating a task, changing a responsible person, task status or a stage in Kanban, sending a notification or email to a particular employee, and much more.
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The driving force behind your team

Online workspace for the whole team
Through its wide variety of communication and collaboration tools, Bitrix24 enables teams to work efficiently and smoothly wherever they are — at home, in the office, or on the go.
Instant and efficient communication
Use our chat to quickly exchange messages and files. Make video calls to have a group discussion, daily planning meeting, or presentation.
Productive collaboration

Schedule events and organize meetings in our calendar, create and co-edit documents online, manage and share your files in a secure cloud storage — all inside Bitrix24.

HR management & workflow automation
Streamline workflows, automate your business processes, and manage employee data like a boss.
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Find out more opportunities of Bitrix24
Information management

Manage company and team data using knowledge bases, file storage, online text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more.

Culture & engagement

Boost employee engagement and create a positive work environment using feed, polls, appreciation badges, tags, personal notifications, and more.

Website builder

Powerful, no-code website builder that features a free CMS, templates, hosting, Al-generated images and texts, etc.

Online store

Create an online store integrated with CRM, product catalog, inventory management, payments, and more.

Social selling

Integrations with all popular messengers (including WhatsApp, 
Facebook, Instagram and Line) to help you sell more.

Shared calendars

Organize meetings and events, set appointments and plan your day, share your open slots with your team and external users.

Online documents & file storage

Secure cloud storage and online document management system for swift and efficient collaboration across your entire company.

Analytics & reports

Get comprehensive analytics and reports tools for your business, including sales funnels, employee performance, Bl reports, and more.

Bitrix24 comes with several dozen integrations available in Bitrix24 Market.

*You can also create your own apps using REST API.

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